Thursday, December 17, 2009

Snow Day Hiatus, RETURN: CRIBS pt. II

In 2009, many of you were called into a specific, vocational ministry. That is super exciting to know that God planted in your heart a desire to serve Him in such ways! As believers, we are all called to ministry in the way we live our life- whenever, wherever (SHAKIRA styles)...

As you think about all that is ahead of you as it relates to that which He has called you to do, don't think about all of the obstacles or anything in the way of making it become a reality, simply ask yourself "Am I willing?"

God does the impossible- God does the impossible. Say it out loud. Journal about that truth. In Luke 1 we peak in on Mary learning of what is to come... "How will all this be, since I am a virgin?" It was humanly impossible but He made it happen.

What might He be calling you to do? What seems so impossible about that? Have faith, be obedient, and buckle up!

Merry Christmas, seeya in January!

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